Forum Allplan

[Domanda] [BUG] New Shortcuts Tool breaks the hard coded keyboard shortcuts

  • Allplan 2020

After using the new Shortcuts function the hard coded shortcuts are no longer accessible.
You can not use the F3 and F11 keys for turning on and off the point and linear snap functions.

Balázs Schneider
NAZCA Engineering Office

- first Allplan install on Interactive Unix in 1993
- 25 years in localization of Allplan
- 25 years in technical support for Allplan
- 30+ years using Allplan as structural engineer

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Also you have to manually asign STANDARD functions like ctrl+c, crtl+v, F4 for animation and so on. FYI you find them under the "more tools without icons" section. It's unpleasat, time wasting necessity to correct these shortcuts.

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Yes, you are right. But the snap functions are not in the list.
The reset button is not helping.

There is a workaround to reset all shortcuts:
delete the 'DefShortcutKeys' key in the registry:

Balázs Schneider
NAZCA Engineering Office

- first Allplan install on Interactive Unix in 1993
- 25 years in localization of Allplan
- 25 years in technical support for Allplan
- 30+ years using Allplan as structural engineer

We'll check it out as soon as possible, this shouldn't happen.

Kind Regards
Anja Neumann

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

Anja Neumann
Productmanager UX

Hi All,
i can't reproduce this. Which Allplanversion do you have?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

Anja Neumann
Productmanager UX

Hi Anja,

I have experienced this phenomenon in the following versions: Allplan 2020-0-4, and Allplan WIP2
It seems to me, only snap functions are affected.

Balázs Schneider
NAZCA Engineering Office

- first Allplan install on Interactive Unix in 1993
- 25 years in localization of Allplan
- 25 years in technical support for Allplan
- 30+ years using Allplan as structural engineer

Hi fani,we had a deeper look on it, but we are still not able to reproduce this. What happens, when you use "Reset" in the new Shortcut Dialogue?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

Anja Neumann
Productmanager UX

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Hi Anja,

Sorry for the late response.
The Reset and a simple Save is enough to lost the F3 and F11 shortcuts.

Here is short video about the issue:

Balázs Schneider
NAZCA Engineering Office

- first Allplan install on Interactive Unix in 1993
- 25 years in localization of Allplan
- 25 years in technical support for Allplan
- 30+ years using Allplan as structural engineer

Hi Anja, the same happens when I assign a shortcut in the 'Customize: xxx' dialog.
I have attached the registry key export after reseting the Shortcuts dialog.

Balázs Schneider
NAZCA Engineering Office

- first Allplan install on Interactive Unix in 1993
- 25 years in localization of Allplan
- 25 years in technical support for Allplan
- 30+ years using Allplan as structural engineer

Allegati (1)

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1329 scaricato
Size: 1,63 KiB

Brand new Windows 10 install + new Allplan 2020-0-5 install: the result is the same.

Balázs Schneider
NAZCA Engineering Office

- first Allplan install on Interactive Unix in 1993
- 25 years in localization of Allplan
- 25 years in technical support for Allplan
- 30+ years using Allplan as structural engineer

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