Foro de Soporte Allplan

[Pregunta] Generating optional wall in VS, but not as PythonPart [Guardado]

  • Wall
  • PythonParts
  • Pythonpart

Greetings comrades,
Is there a way to make an “optional” wall using VS while it remains as wall, not Python Part?

The script: Make a U-cladding command where I can turn off/on the generation of inner/outer wall or top cover.

Methods so far:
- Invalid input method: I have a switcher which I feed to the Wall’s path. When I feed a line, it gets generated, and when I feed an invalid input (point or constant 1) it crashes. It can be reproduced by disabling the inner wall generation.

- Switcher method: If I rearrange the nodes and feed the wall into the switcher, controlling the generation from there, the last line of wall becomes python part.

Any suggestions for a way around?

Kind regards,

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Cita de: DGeorgiev
Is there a way to make an “optional” wall using VS while it remains as wall, not Python Part?

Currently, all architectural elements (incl. column, wall, beams) will be generated as a native Allplan object. They won't be included in a PythonPart object.

Cita de: DGeorgiev
- Invalid input method: I have a switcher which I feed to the Wall’s path. When I feed a line, it gets generated, and when I feed an invalid input (point or constant 1) it crashes. It can be reproduced by disabling the inner wall generation.

I checked your "invalid input" script. Perhaps, you can try to use nodes OutputSwitcher instead of nodes Selector. With those nodes you can define, to which output an object should be sent. In your case, if you choose not to send the line to generate the wall, then the wall remains empty. Please check if that helps.

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

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Cita de: DGeorgiev
Is there a way to make an “optional” wall using VS while it remains as wall, not Python Part?

Currently, all architectural elements (incl. column, wall, beams) will be generated as a native Allplan object. They won't be included in a PythonPart object.

Cita de: DGeorgiev
- Invalid input method: I have a switcher which I feed to the Wall’s path. When I feed a line, it gets generated, and when I feed an invalid input (point or constant 1) it crashes. It can be reproduced by disabling the inner wall generation.

I checked your "invalid input" script. Perhaps, you can try to use nodes OutputSwitcher instead of nodes Selector. With those nodes you can define, to which output an object should be sent. In your case, if you choose not to send the line to generate the wall, then the wall remains empty. Please check if that helps.

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

Adjuntos (1)

Type: image/png
Descargado 103 veces
Size: 111,44 KiB

Cita de: Xinling

I checked your "invalid input" script. Perhaps, you can try to use nodes OutputSwitcher instead of nodes Selector. With those nodes you can define, to which output an object should be sent. In your case, if you choose not to send the line to generate the wall, then the wall remains empty. Please check if that helps.

Thank you, now it works like a charm.