Foro de Soporte Allplan

[Pregunta] adaptive labels [Guardado]

Many of the labels I've made use levels/coördinates/objectnames followed by another piece of text.
For example my coordinate label is made with texts end attributes: "(" "X_point" "/" Y_point" ")"
if an attribute is longer than what I've originaly intended the attribute overlaps the text if I place the label.
Is there any way to make the text move so it's always next to the attribute?



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Are you using two separate attributes in one label or a formula combining your attributes with the fixed text elements?

Something like this:


GEA Arquitectos S.L.P.
Calle Gerardo Diego 6A | 41013 Sevilla | Spain

Are you using two separate attributes in one label or a formula combining your attributes with the fixed text elements?

Something like this:


GEA Arquitectos S.L.P.
Calle Gerardo Diego 6A | 41013 Sevilla | Spain


Just for info, it's better to start a formular by ""+ and than continu like you mention.

Bye & Good Use!

Responsable Technique Préfabrication & Ingénierie
Precast Sales & Support

Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006

Hi, thanks for the answers, very helpfull. I'm trying it out but I'm running into a few problems.

- ""+ROUND(@612@/10;0) This part gives me the x-coordinate correctly, but when I add +"/" to it the formale doesn't show me the /sign but it calculates a value (twice the original formula)?
- Can I remove the decimal places using only the formula? Now I had to change the text format to remove decimal places but I can't do that if there's 2 values?
- Is there any documentation on using formulas with proper examples?
- what is the reason for using ""+ at the start?

Dear Mr Wouter,

As i undertsand, you use the attribut @612@ which is for the center of gravity like @613@ and @614@ for Y and Z.

if you want to set a ROUND, you can use the formular like "ROUND((@614@/10);1)" Inside the formular editor.

You must set the format of your formular as you want. Like A30, F14.4....

So if you let the formular like F14.4, you will have 4 decimal for all value, but you can also definit the 'unit' to hide the decimal for example.

Or you can change the formular unit like an Alpa-numeric formular (A30), and than you will have no decimal.

About my comment to start with ""+, it was an habit from the beginning of Allplan to define the formular in this way when there is few calculation to do. If you need to make only one calculation, than you don't need to start with ""+.

Bye & good Use!

Responsable Technique Préfabrication & Ingénierie
Precast Sales & Support

Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006

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Still no luck with this,

ROUND(@612@/10;0) gives the correct x-value
ROUND(@613@/10;0) gives the correct y-value

ROUND(@612@/10;0)+"/"+ROUND(@613@/10;0) does not give me "x-value/y-value" but just a single number, what am I doing wrong?

Also, if the value is zero it doesn't show

Dear Mr Wouter,

Have You change the format of the formular to A20?


Responsable Technique Préfabrication & Ingénierie
Precast Sales & Support

Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006

Yes, format was on A40.
If i try to get a text in a formula it doesn't show, it just calculates another value.