Allplan Fórum

Allplan 2022-1-7 Visual Scripting Changes & Improvements

  • 2022-1-7
  • Tooltip
  • Canvas
  • Zoom


  • Selected geometry on the tooltip will be highlighted in Allplan.
  • Tooltip will display unit based on the setting in Allplan.
  • Canvas zoom level indicator.

Geometry Highlight
If a user selects geometry objects on the tooltip, they will be highlighted in the Allplan viewports. That will help you to understand the data and their order inside that node.
Known issues:
If a node has multiple outputs, this function might not work.

Unit Display
Length and angle values will show its unit on the tooltip. Currently, it follows the unit of the Allplan. The value in brackets is the internal double value of that length or angle value in Allplan. It will help you to understand some basic datatypes in VS Editor. Based on the type of the value, it will be displayed on the tooltip differently. Check the example below:

String:  'this is a string'
Integer: 1
Double:  2.000
Length:  3.0m (3000.0)
Angle:   45.0° (45.0)

Known issues:
  • For a port which support multiple type (i.e., those from the node OperationAddition), it is currently not possible to show the unit.
  • Internal value for angle in Allplan is degree instead of the more common radian (i.e., in Python).

Zoom Level Indicator
The zoom in and zoom out buttons on the top right corner are now removed. Instead, a new zoom level indicator is introduced to check and change the current zoom level of the canvas. Currently we support zoom level between 5%-200%.

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

Přílohy (3)

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Thanks! really useful improvements