Allplan Fórum

Exception not handeled! Structural framing column height change

  • Allplan 2020-1-7
  • Allplan 2021

If I attache the TOS and BOS of a structural framing column to the same reference plane I get and "Exception not Handled" error message.

In Allplan 2021 only a normal "Error dialog" appears.

Balázs Schneider
NAZCA Engineering Office

- first Allplan install on Interactive Unix in 1993
- 25 years in localization of Allplan
- 25 years in technical support for Allplan
- 30+ years using Allplan as structural engineer

Přílohy (1)

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Hello "fani"
we already fixed more the similar problems. Could you please send me your data to try if also your problem is already fixed?
Thank you for your feedback.

Monika Stastna

Product owner
T +421 (2) 492 51 519
M +421 905 925 720

mstastna (please no spam) @ (please no spam)

The issue is under investigation.
Here is the reply I have got today.

Thank you for your data and for your feedback, now I am able to reproduce it. We will fix it soon.

Have a nice day.

Monika Stastna
Product owner

Balázs Schneider
NAZCA Engineering Office

- first Allplan install on Interactive Unix in 1993
- 25 years in localization of Allplan
- 25 years in technical support for Allplan
- 30+ years using Allplan as structural engineer