Allplan Fórum

[Otázka] Can I use 18 or 22 Bar Diameter ? [Vyřešeno]

  • Bar Diameter

Hello everybody !

Can I use 18 or 22 diameter of steel bar ? I'm trying to Define it manual but it showed an error message (Diameter 18 not allowed)..
sorry about my English !

I attached images to see the problem !

Thank you !

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Hi Hamza,

It's not possible to add a diameter in this way.

In fact, depending on your licence, Allplan is installed with country catalog. Than you have special catalog of bars and mesh linked to your country.

It's possible to change your country catalog by loading another country withour any issue.

By the way, you must first check your catalog.

To do that, just go to 'Tools/Defaults/Cross Section catalog' and check the bars 'RU' and Meshes 'MA'.

You can see some icone to load and save catalog. You can by this ways load other country catalog.

You can find the other country catalog on the program folder New/Ing and choose the one you need.

If you want to change your own one, than you can also change the project setting as 'project' for the cross section catalog.

Than your change will affect only this project.

To check you must click on one line and 'Edit' and to add, you must click on 'New'.

After that you can see your new bar diameter in any engineering Tools.

Good Use!

Responsable Technique Préfabrication & Ingénierie
Precast Sales & Support

Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006

Přílohy (3)

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Hi Hamza,

It's not possible to add a diameter in this way.

In fact, depending on your licence, Allplan is installed with country catalog. Than you have special catalog of bars and mesh linked to your country.

It's possible to change your country catalog by loading another country withour any issue.

By the way, you must first check your catalog.

To do that, just go to 'Tools/Defaults/Cross Section catalog' and check the bars 'RU' and Meshes 'MA'.

You can see some icone to load and save catalog. You can by this ways load other country catalog.

You can find the other country catalog on the program folder New/Ing and choose the one you need.

If you want to change your own one, than you can also change the project setting as 'project' for the cross section catalog.

Than your change will affect only this project.

To check you must click on one line and 'Edit' and to add, you must click on 'New'.

After that you can see your new bar diameter in any engineering Tools.

Good Use!

Responsable Technique Préfabrication & Ingénierie
Precast Sales & Support

Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006

Přílohy (3)

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Hi Judy,
Thank you for a quick respond..

I did it like you said.. and I can use all diameter I need..

So helpful Explanation !