Allplan Fórum

[Otázka] License return from command line.

  • License management

Good evening.
Is there a way to return licenses from command line?
I need a .bat file that returns licences everytime I quit Allplan.

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Cycot (German Allplan partner) made a tool for that: see here.


Cycot (German Allplan partner) made a tool for that: see here.


Using ANY LICENSE tool of a Third party is givin your license to a third Party.

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Citoval jvelletti
Using ANY tool of a Third party is givin your license to a third Party.
I don't know exactly what this tool can do, maybe it can get the Product key. So, yes, you have to take care.

But, as "third party" (wizYsmart), I cannot use the license of a customer. The only public information is the Allplan customer number. That's all.
Some third parties are kind, don't scare the users.

Thanks for your reply ... I added the missing Word "LICENCE" between "ANY" and the Word "Tool" as it it was just that:

Allplan Webentwicklung

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Thank you!