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[Frage] Beginner's question - 3D Solid generation via a polygon/polyline [Gelöst]

Hello, I recently started working with visual script and I ran into a problem, which I can't get my head around why it's happening.

- What I am trying to achieve:
Create a polygon which can be offset by X and Y distance in each direction. Offset the two new polygons by the Z direction and create a 3D solid using the offset lines.

-The problem: No matter which node is used, the polygons don't form a 3D solid and stays as lines.

- Solutions I have tried:
*Build the whole frame of the polygons in 3D lines and connect them via a loft
*Use the two offset polygons (which are on the same plane) to make a surface, which is then extruded. (not visible in the provided images)
*The command sweep

Is this a good structure or is there a better way to create a 3D polygon mass?

Thank you

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Just in case, if you don't know, object/mass will be created currently after you close VS Editor. Due to the technical limitation, previews from VS and PythonPart are always wireframe... I'm not sure if that could answer your question.

If you turn on the "model object" and still have problem to generate Objects after close VS Editor, could you please provide allplan.out and allplan_python.out. It will help us to identify the problem.

By default, both files can be found under Allplan TMP folder:

If you don't have those files, please make sure you turn on the Allplan Logging in Service application. (see AllplanLogs.png)

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

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Just in case, if you don't know, object/mass will be created currently after you close VS Editor. Due to the technical limitation, previews from VS and PythonPart are always wireframe... I'm not sure if that could answer your question.

If you turn on the "model object" and still have problem to generate Objects after close VS Editor, could you please provide allplan.out and allplan_python.out. It will help us to identify the problem.

By default, both files can be found under Allplan TMP folder:

If you don't have those files, please make sure you turn on the Allplan Logging in Service application. (see AllplanLogs.png)

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

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