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[Frage] [PythonParts] Filtering the layers visible in the palette [Gelöst]

  • Pythonpart
  • Layer
  • Palette


Can we filter the layers visible in the palette with


For example, I'd like to choose between specific layers instead of all of them.


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Here the solution :

edit : in modify_control_properties

    if value_name == "Designation":
        layer = f"MIL_04_PAROIS_{build_ele.Designation.value}"
            layer_id = BaseElements.LayerService.GetIDByShortName(layer, doc)
            layer_id = -1
        build_ele.Layer.value = layer_id

I'm trying to get the ID from the designation value, if I can't the default layer is set


Zitiert von: cmaignan
Can we filter the layers visible in the palette with

<ValueType>Layer</ValueType> ?For example, I'd like to choose between specific layers instead of all of them.

Hi Christoph,

unfortunately, it is not possible yet. How would you like to filter the layers? Can you give some examples or use-cases?



For example, if I use the script "ParoisPoseVert" - which is a "wall" - I'd like Allplan to offer me layers containing "MIL-04-PAROIS-*".

PS :
In this particular case, the best would be an automatic selection of the layer based on the attribute.

If the user set "26", the layer proposed by default would be "MIL-04-PAROIS-26" (in our template, 50 layers are already created) with this


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for now it is not possible. You can only place the very standard layer selector in the palette. What you could do, is place a regular combo box. But you would have to know the layer names in advance, since there is no method for getting all the available layers. When you know, the layer name, you could use the LayerService to get the layer ID based on that. And the next disadvantage would be, that you would not have the option "Selection..." in the combo box, which opens the window with layer selection.

If you could get all the available layer IDs (and because you can get Layer Name from ID with LayerService, you would be available to also get the Layer names), would it solve your problem?



I can test if the layer "MIL-04-PAROIS-" + {Designation} exists

If yes I get the ID with GetIDByShortName

If not the user selects the layer as he want

I will try it


Bonjour Christophe,

You can also open the ‘layerdef.dat’ file directly from the project or STD (if in Project or Office mode), search through the lines to find the corresponding layer and load its number.

I also reply in French, because Christophe and I are French...

Tu peux aussi ouvrir directement le fichier "layerdef.dat" du projet ou de STD (si en mode Projet ou Bureau), parcourir les lignes pour trouver le layer correspondant et en charger son numéro.

Bonne journée !

Zitiert von: Bertrand_C
...You can also open the ‘layerdef.dat’ file directly from the project or STD (if in Project or Office mode)...

Good point! The problem is only with figuring out, where to look But a general rule of thumb is: look into PRJ, and if you don't find anything there, then it is in STD.


Zitiert von: bmarciniec

The problem is only with figuring out, where to look But a general rule of thumb is: look into PRJ, and if you don't find anything there, then it is in STD.

Hi Bart,

That's what I meant by "from the project or STD (if in Project or Office mode)", but it wasn't clear.
Thank you for the clarification.

Here the solution :

edit : in modify_control_properties

    if value_name == "Designation":
        layer = f"MIL_04_PAROIS_{build_ele.Designation.value}"
            layer_id = BaseElements.LayerService.GetIDByShortName(layer, doc)
            layer_id = -1
        build_ele.Layer.value = layer_id

I'm trying to get the ID from the designation value, if I can't the default layer is set
