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PythonParts: any information?



Reviewing the new version 2016-1, I found PythonParts beta.

Does anyone have more information about this new API?


Sánchez-Matamoros | Arquitecto

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Hi Viktor,

sorry, I somehow forgot to include the link :-(.

I also add two screenshots that may help finding the PythonParts examples.


Hi Javier,

starting with Allplan 2016-1 Allplan features a Python API. This allows users and scripters to create their own PythonParts – as the name may suggest parametric objects similar to the SmartParts.

However, there are some fundamental differences:

- the scripting language has been changed from SmartPart Script (a BASIC dialect) to Python 3.4.3
- interactions between different PythonParts and Allplan objects are now possible
- Python allows direct access to exposed Allplan functions (e.g. to the new 3d modeling functions based on the Parasolid modeling kernel)
- the Reinforcement Shape Builder creates automatically bar shapes based on formwork edges and concrete cover
- formwork recognition is possible, similar to the FF components

A documentation will be available shorthly.

The PythonParts follow our "open" policy, there are no artificial limitations. Of course it will be possible to include Python code from other sources.

The Python interface is currently available as a "Beta". This means, for the time being we explicitly reserve the right to change the interface. This allows us to react on suggestions and wishes until the next version of Allplan will be released.


I updated Allplan to 2016-1-1 version and didn't find the PytonParts in the library.
How can I download the PytonParts examples?

Hi Viktor,

to access the PythonParts examples, please use the library and set the external path to the folder etc\examples.


Hello everybody,

a dedicated PythonParts web page is now available where you can find further information about:

Getting started
- which Python
- which development environment
- how to script my first PythonPart

API Documentation
- 3D modeling
- reinforcement
- palettes

How-to instructions
- migrating from SmartParts to PythonParts
- creating PythonParts



Daniel, thanks. It is very cool
But I didn't find the link for API Documentation web page. Can you give it, please

Hi Viktor,

sorry, I somehow forgot to include the link :-(.

I also add two screenshots that may help finding the PythonParts examples.
