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New PythonParts course for beginners on Allplan Learn Now!

Hello community!

Maybe this is not the right place to announce it, since most of you are advanced users. But just in case there is someone here, browsing all the questions and asking himself: how do I even start? Well, we have just published our first PythonParts course on the Allplan Learn Now! platform for the very beginners. Have a look on it here. It consists of only one chapter at the moment, but we won`t stop there. Because it is a debut, we would be delighted if you could give us feedback:

  • What other topics we should cover? Should we focus on specific use-cases (like reinforcement) or rather fundamental principles (maybe explain interactors)?
  • How do you find the content of the first chapter? Maybe we've missed some essentials?
  • How do you find the audio-visual side? Is the audio nice to hear and code on the video big enough to read?

You can give the feedback here. If it is going to be tough, you can drop me a PM. Either way, I am happy to hear from you!


1 - 10 (16)

Hi Bart!

Thank you for sharing.
I have been waiting for content like this for ages. Hands down, the first useful course that I have stumbled upon.
Having created a few PythonParts for the office I work at, I find the first chapter simple, well structured and easy to comprehend.

Keep up the good work, looking forward for future content.

Have a great one.


Hello Bart,

Thank you very much!

Unfortunately I get the following error message when I try to open the videos.

"Video nicht verfügbar.
Bitte vergewissern Sie sich, dass Sie die Cookie-Zustimmung für Vimeo-Videos akzeptieren."

I have already asked the IT department to do something.
Can others get access to the video?



Zitiert von: minisci_kuk
Hello Bart,
Thank you very much!
Unfortunately I get the following error message when I try to open the videos.
"Video nicht verfügbar.

Bitte vergewissern Sie sich, dass Sie die Cookie-Zustimmung für Vimeo-Videos akzeptieren."
I have already asked the IT department to do something.

Can others get access to the video?

Hi Francesco,
The videos are hosted on the vimeo platform. Maybe try to open any video there, and when the cookie consent appears, accept at least the essential cookies. I hope that helps. I've never had this problem.

now worked. I had to delete all the cookies and then activate them again.

Hi Bart,

Thank you for sharing !

Hi Bart,
Great tutorial, I went through the lessons quite quickly and now I have a much better comprension of the Allplan API structure.
It would also be nice to see some tips & tricks on how to find the information on the API website while coding, e.g. how to read the API website to enter the right parameters.

But I found two small "bugs":
1 - on my Allplan I can't use Python parts in the USR folder, I had to move the Python to the STD library.

2 - for some reason the XYZ handles don't work properly, it seems I can only stretch the box in the XY plane and not in the Z direction.

As a suggestion, I'm really interested in the reinforcement functions.
It might also be interesting to do some live events with other users in the future

Thanks for your work, keep it up!

Hi Daniele,

On my Allplan I can't use Python parts in the USR folder, I had to move the Python to the STD library.
That's probably because you use Allplan 2024 and we introduced it in Allplan 2025. I created the course a bit into the future
It would also be nice to see some tips & tricks on how to find the information on the API website while coding, e.g. how to read the API website to enter the right parameters.
You mean the arguments of Python API functions? There are sometimes some discrepancies between the documentation and what a function really requires. In this case you get the message
... does not match the C++ signature...
If you are however sure, you are entering the right arguments, but you still get this message, report is to us at pythonparts (please no spam) @ (please no spam)
for some reason the XYZ handles don't work properly, it seems I can only stretch the box in the XY plane and not in the Z direction.
This is weird and should not happen. You done everything as in the course and get this error?

I like that you guys are already thinking ahead!
I sent you an email with a video of the strange behavior of my XYZ handle.


Hi Bart!

These videos are very helpful for beginners like me.Thank you for sharing!
What are your thoughts on covering the topic of sharing project settings with PythonPart, such as editing parameters in "Options"

Tuan Anh

1 - 10 (16)