Support Forum

ERROR - XAC report in Allplan 2017-1 - spanish and english version

Hi everybody,

From several versions of Allplan, there is an error in one of the files in the ETC folder. This error is in the workflow to create a XAC file.

The incorrect files are:
- In Spanish version: \etc\l_spa_14.txc
- In English version: \etc\l_eng_14.txc

Those incorrect files generate the error explained in 3 images:
- 01 Report configuration.png
- 02 Generate Report.png
- 03 Error.png

Best regards,
Xavier Coll

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •

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Hello Mr. Coll,

with the spanish report I can reproduce this aswell. I will have this checked by our colleagues who deal with reports developmentwise. For now I would kindly ask for your patience since it might be possible that the colleagues I am referring to might get back from their new years eve break in the second week of 2017. Once I have some new information you will be contacted, either from the german support team (which I am part of) or our spanish colleagues.

For now I would like to wish you

¡Prospero año nuevo!

Hello Mr. Coll,

with the spanish report I can reproduce this aswell. I will have this checked by our colleagues who deal with reports developmentwise. For now I would kindly ask for your patience since it might be possible that the colleagues I am referring to might get back from their new years eve break in the second week of 2017. Once I have some new information you will be contacted, either from the german support team (which I am part of) or our spanish colleagues.

For now I would like to wish you

¡Prospero año nuevo!

Thanks a lot DSpicher, I will wait for your news about it.

Best regards and happy new year 2017!
Xavier Coll

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •

Hi everybody,

we have the same issue in the Hungarian Allplan version.

See error message attached.

I would like to inquire if the error was fixed. Please let me know the solution.

Kind regards:
Gábor Eleméry
Nemetschek Hungary Ltd.

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Hi Gabor,
We are also waiting for the solution to this error....
Best regards,
Xavier Coll

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •


I could not reproduce this error in english version. But keep in mind that it is necessary to select the english report, when using the english Allplan version. Using a spanish report with english Allplan version will not work.

For the spanish version it is "partly" solved for the current 2017-1-1 version.
Partly means, that now a xac file is created. But when Excel tries to open this file, you will receive an error message, saying that the file format is wrong. You can just confirm these messages, eventually Excel will open the file

The reason for this error messages is, that the first 2 characters in this xac file are "ID" (from the spanish translation of the attribute "Allright_Bauteil_ID" which is translated as "ID_Elemento_constructivo_Allright")
When Excel encounters a file where "ID" are the first 2 characters, it thinks that this file is a "SYLK" file (not really clever from Excel, but it is like it is...). Maybe we can change the spanish translation, but first we have to check that there won't be no other problems if we change the name of this attribute

Greetings Paul

Thanks for your answer, Paul!
It's very interesting....

Well, we did our test in a methodical process: We tested the spanish report, with spanish Allplan. And also, we tested english report with english Allplan.

Best regards,
Xavier Coll

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •

Hi pstoecklhuber!

We think it's very useful to change the spanish translation of the @10@ attribute, and also we think that will be interesting to change all the other attributs that have "ID" as a first strings in his name.

I upload two files about spanish version:
- Screencapture of the attributs that starts with "ID" string
- An excel file with the same list.

In the german attribute list, there are only three attributs that start with "ID" string.

In the other Allplan languages, are there also the similar issues than Allplan Spanish version (french, hungary, ....). It will be interesting to solve this issue in all the Allplan languages.

Best regards,
Xavier Coll

Best regards,
Xavier Coll

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •

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Hi Developers,

with this issue it would be time, to solve the problem with values unside the .xac interpreted by Excel as date values, for instance:

Room-Number "01.01.16" becomes in Excel "01.Januar 2016".
or with leading Zeros:
Room-Number "001" becomes in Excel "1".

This is not acceptable! Allplan knows the data-type, an could it do better!
Why it cannot be exported as Excel-XML with transporting the data type correctly. Or (it is mentioned above .sylk-Format)

I hoped, the second file *.xacx, which is exported additionally, contain such data, but no: this is only an UCS-Formatted file.

Please, please help us to overcom this inacceptable Situation!



Hi all,

In Allplan 2018.0.2, this problem has not yet been solved.

Xavier Coll

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •