Support Forum

[Frage] Disappering clipping line and directions symbols in sections

  • Allplan
  • 2019-1-0
  • Section
  • Clipping line
  • Deirection symbol

The clipping line and the direction symbol disappears after modification or hitting the save button.

Balázs Schneider
NAZCA Engineering Office

- first Allplan install on Interactive Unix in 1993
- 25 years in localization of Allplan
- 25 years in technical support for Allplan
- 30+ years using Allplan as structural engineer

Anhänge (1)

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Größe: 2,54 MiB

Not solved in 2019-1-1.

Balázs Schneider
NAZCA Engineering Office

- first Allplan install on Interactive Unix in 1993
- 25 years in localization of Allplan
- 25 years in technical support for Allplan
- 30+ years using Allplan as structural engineer