Support Forum

[Frage] Can't open prj

  • Allplan
  • Prj


I recently formatted my laptop and forgot to save Data folder , so i have lost all my projects . I recovered Data folder, and imported prj folders , but allplan is not reading the files . Help please ! Is there anything i can do with this projects anymore ?

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Dear Mariatrifan94,

If you have recovered the file from your hard drive by specific Tools, i think it will not works.

By the past i allready to do it few time and i was not able to restore such file. It's not the same like a backup.

The nemetschek file are encrypted and recovered a file from a drive corrupt them.


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Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006

Dear Mariatrifan94,
I think you can use this application : "Services>Service>Hotline Tools>reorg" to solve your problem.