Dear AllPlan heavy users... what is the best way do manage projects when multi-element reinforcement are involved?
I have to release reinforcement drawings for 0 stage of the building (all concrete) attached below. I have slabs, walls, and beams (each one different from one another). To prepare beam reinforcement drawing I need general plan + few cross-sections, generated with associated view. Here my nightmare begins... I have some methods but none is perfect
Method A: Draw architecture elements, reinforcement for columns, slab and each beam on a separate drawing.
- I get warnings that drawing reinforcement on the same drawing with associated view is not effective and not recommended
- I have problems with xrefs and copy elements between drawings.
Method B: Copy architecture model to every drawing, create associated views and reinforcement.
- I have plenty copies of architecture model
- When viewing 3d model, architecture elements compete and I can't see transparency
Method C: Draw everything on one drawing (architecture elements + views + reinforcement)
- This is not what Allplan is made for?
- Problem with rebar numbering
Method D: Explode associated views (I don't know is it possible). Create each drawing for reinforcement element and when it is ready to explode associated view to the 2d element and break xref...
Which method sounds most reasonable? Maybe it is another way to do this? Thank you in advance for your help!