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[Frage] Hide Reinforcement in Associative Views

Hi Everyone,

How to hide reinforcements inside the precast elements showing only the protruding reinforcements (see Image 2) in associative views?

Image 1 is the is the original associative view of the precast element.


Anhänge (2)

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I usually use these two options for hiding rebars:
1. "Remove from view" tools in "Associate View menu" or
2. "HView (hide selected reinf. in one view) in "Reinforcement tools menu"
then select the unwanted reinforcement.

For view and surface:
1. In the "setting for hidden line images","create bitmaps from texture" must be selected then,
2. In the "View & sections properties" make sure status is "hidden" and the active "filter" must be "shell".

Good use.


Anhänge (1)

Typ: image/png
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