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[Frage] Restructuration

Goodmorning, does anyone know if it is possible, after applying the restructuring commands and use of appropriate area styles in a case as in the photo, to make the yellow filling appear in the sectioned surface (see red asterisk) of the associative sections? Thank you.

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see here

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...and here

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Thank you very much Nemo for your video. Your method it's with the use wall command and not specific command of restructuration.I was looking with restructuration command which is moore immediate

quick and dirty, maybe this one could be usefull. i am not sure about the opening inside another opening...

Viele Grüße


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Thak you fkeim for your video. Another solution! In this case, however, additional elements such as the 2 demolition windows should be created. In some videotutorials related to the restructuring it is explained that it is possible to insert a new window inside the demolished one, however some colleagues tell me that after having done the various procedures and after having performed a vertical associative section, the yellow fills of the 2 bodies do not appear of demolition.

Zitiert von: Danilos
In some videotutorials related to the restructuring it is explained that it is possible to insert a new window inside the demolished one...

It is possible, following the instructions in the tutorial available at connect "Allplan 2022 Schritte zum Erfolg Umbau"

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Zitiert von: mtl

Quotato da: Danilos...

In some videotutorials related to the restructuring it is explained that it is possible to insert a new window inside the demolished one...
It is possible, following the instructions in the tutorial available at connect "Allplan 2022 Schritte zum Erfolg Umbau"

Thank you mtl for info but your attachment gives an error. Can you send again? Thank you.

I have reduced the size a little bit, maybe now

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From a structural point of view, you would certainly have to install a lintel at the top!
But this is only my personal opinion, respecting physical facts like gravity.

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