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[Frage] Terrain modeling - what method do you use?

Greetings everyone,
I have a couple of questions towards all fellow architects and landscapers:

1. How do you generate the terrain you are working on? Using the terrain command, as slabs or something else? The place I work in, the standard is using slabs as it's considered to be easier manipulating it afterwards and also has thickness to it, unlike a terrain plane (see "Terrain sample 1.jpeg"). So I was wondering what is considered the best method of terrain generation within the community.

2. Does anyone know if there is a command to automatically generate terrain using slabs? I know the current terrain generation command works based on 3D lines and points resulting in a plane, but I was wondering if it possible to project slabs from it, that don't overlap (see "Terrain sample 2.jpeg")

Thank You in advance,

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we are working mostly with bridge structures and we convert all DMT to ordinary 3D solids. It's the easiest way to manipulate with 3D solid (subtraction new with old terrain, calculating volumes etc.. ).
Allplan has some features to calculate fills and cuts with DMT, but it's too complicated.

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we are working mostly with bridge structures and we convert all DMT to ordinary 3D solids. It's the easiest way to manipulate with 3D solid (subtraction new with old terrain, calculating volumes etc.. ).
Allplan has some features to calculate fills and cuts with DMT, but it's too complicated.

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There are videos about terrain modeling in the link below. It explains how contour lines (Arazi oluşturma 04 Es yukselti Egrileri) are created in the land, it may be useful for you.

Architect | Allplan Trainer | BIM Manager
e-mail: hatemozdemir[at]
Ankara / Turkiye