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[Frage] Problems with walls to roofs


Even after all these years, I still have a lot of problems with roofs. This time I'm trying to match the height of a wall to the underside of a roof. I'm attaching a screenshot of what happens. One side of the wall matches perfectly, but (maybe) because I choose one of the roof slopes as the upper height, the part of the wall under the other slope extends above it. I'd just divide the wall into two walls, one under each slope of the roof, but then I can't put a window in the center of the wall.
Any advice/help is appreciated!

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You have to use one reference plan for all the roof and, for the height of the wall, you must select the icon "Relative to upper plan".

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Thank you for your reply. I'm afraid, though, that I don't understand.
I created the roof plane using the "Roof frame" command. How do I have one reference plane for the roof?

And yes, I used the "relative to upper plane" selection, but when I need to choose which plane that is, I can only choose one plane, which is one of the slopes of the roof.


Using Roof frame, in 2D view, you defined the roof contour. Then, you click on the segment to define the slope. You must do this for each segment of the contour where there is a slope. The slope can be different for each segment.

Maybe, have a look at the PDF file named "Allplan 2020 Step by Step Roof, Rafters, Frame Construction" (Allplan Connect > Training > Documentation).

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Yes, I know. I was able to create the roof as you can see from the screenshot I attached. The problem is not the roof. The problem is with the walls that go up to the roof. I set the wall height to "relative to upper plane" and then I have to click on the roof plane. The wall below the side of the roof that I click on is fine, but the other half of the wall goes above the roof (see screenshot). If I try again and click on the other side of the roof, then the half of the wall below that side is fine, but the part of the wall that is below the other slope of the roof goes above the roof.

You must use the icon shown in my first image.
If you set with "relative to upper plane", Allplan does not ask to click on the roof.
In addition, the roof plan must be in the same file as the walls.

I tried using "relative to upper plane" instead of "match level of component" and it made no difference.
I moved the roof plane and covering to the same layer as the upper floor and it changed all the walls so the new level 0.00 is at the roof (see screenshot).
For what it's worth, in the AllPlan tutorial produced by Nemetschek, it has the roof on drawing file 112 and the upper floor on drawing file 110 (page 211).

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You must draw one floor in one file.
For the upper floor, you can draw the roof plan, the roof and the walls in the same file or you can draw walls of the floor in a file and roof plan, roof and wall on the roof level in another file, depending of your building.
Now, you have 2 solutions:
- you move your data to get one file for one floor,
- you go back and you cut your wall in 2 parts. So, you can select "Match level of component" for each part.

I made the tutorial more than 22 years ago, so I did not remember. But I can say that the better way is to have one floor in one file, including roof on the upper floor.

Yes, I have each of the two floors on a different file and the roof on another. With things this way, I have the problem I originally posted about. Moving the roof to the same file as the upper floor (as you suggested earlier) only made the problem much worse, as I explained and showed a screenshot of.
Yes, I know that I can divide the wall into two parts, but I want to put a window in the middle of the wall, which won’t work if I divide the wall into two parts (did you read my original post?).
Neither of these solutions work. How do I have one wall under a gable roof?

did you read my original post?

If my answers are not so good for you, try by yourself!
Here, the one who has a problem is you. Please do not blame those who are willing to volunteer to help you.
For over 22 years, I have been making roofs with correct walls. If you tried to do it right, you would get what you wanted.
My solution works. If you apply it correctly, the result will be correct.

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