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Moving projects between computers

I use two computers with my allplan 2009 - laptop and PC. When I move project between the computers, I use Allmenu to export the whole project and then import it on another computer. The problem is - when I do that, I get my layers (I use polish version, so don't know what is the name of it in english, but it's this kind of layer, which by default is set up to STANDARD) messed up - elements are grouped right on defferent layers, but it will just creat new set of layers each time I import a project, instead of actualising the same ones I use on both computers. Example: When I have an element on layer abc, it will be moved to layer EXT000001 or so, even though I have the same set of layers on both computers. How to make it place elements from layer abc on layer abc on other computer?
If it sounds unclear, please let me know I'll try to explain it =p

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layer names can be "Office" or "Project defnied.

If you want to move project often from one Computer to another, and meybe also backwards, it will be usefull to et Layer definitions to PROJECT, and maybe also otehr Project setting should be like this, to be consistent between both computers:

Hatches, LineType definitions, Fonts and more.
if on Computer Hatch 123 is Contrete Style, and on the other, same ID 123 has a different Hatching style f.e. Nomal Wall, this cna be more confusing that a different messed up layer name ..

Allplan Webentwicklung

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layer names can be "Office" or "Project defnied.

If you want to move project often from one Computer to another, and meybe also backwards, it will be usefull to et Layer definitions to PROJECT, and maybe also otehr Project setting should be like this, to be consistent between both computers:

Hatches, LineType definitions, Fonts and more.
if on Computer Hatch 123 is Contrete Style, and on the other, same ID 123 has a different Hatching style f.e. Nomal Wall, this cna be more confusing that a different messed up layer name ..

Allplan Webentwicklung

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You can find these settings in the project properties...


Allplan Product Owner