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[Frage] Floor area calculation [Gelöst]

Hallo all

I have a question as a new user to this program. So at the moment my boss asked me to do a floor area calculation which I find amusing.. the problem is very simple but asking my co-workers didn't help.

So when I'm doing the calculation, I made a mistake by klicking somewhere that I actually didnt want to include. How do I go back one step without losing all what I had already chose to calculate. I tried using Ctrl+Z and everything just went away.. so If there is any other way to go one step back please dont hesitate to share.. (struggling with a german keyboard here as well).

Thank you for your help in advance.


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Hello Maram,
If you use the function "Measure > Area", but also "Room", "Floor", "Ceiling", or "Fill", "Hatching", "Pattern", etc., in short, a polygonal surface, you can click again on the previous point to remove it.

Hello Maram,
If you use the function "Measure > Area", but also "Room", "Floor", "Ceiling", or "Fill", "Hatching", "Pattern", etc., in short, a polygonal surface, you can click again on the previous point to remove it.

hi Bertrand_C,

Thank you for your informative reply

well that made my life easier!

Have fun with Allplan...
By the way, click on "Helpful" on my reply and pass this post in solved.

Oh fun i'm going to have for sure!;)

Alright! thanks for the tip, didn't know that either!

have a nice day

Thank you, you too!