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how can I hit the roof edge?

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Hi João,
I replied to your message directly in July. Maybe you didn't get it...
You pay only once by following the payment process in wizYsmart Manager (credit card needed). It's fully secure.
The SmartParts run on Allplan 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. You purchase the pack for all the workstations of your team.
The tiles have parameters to set as it is in your project. You can make almost all the tiles from providers like Braas-Monier (Colbert in Portugal) or other ones. It's very close to the reality and above all it's fast and easy to use.
You can see a video here.
The SmartParts are in English, French, Spanish, Italian and German.
Don't hesitate to contact me for more details or see my website (click on my signature).

What do you would like exactly?
Could you please give more details?

With which function do you add the tiles?
If it's made with the 3D modeler, you can cut the tiles...

And maybe there is other solutions...

I would like cut the tiles on edges. Is this only possible with smartparts?

J'adorais tes solutions. Son beaucoup interessant, mais dans l'architecture n'est pas facile ici au Portugal acheter les smartparts elaboré.
Je pense que l'offert des smartparts du Allplan sont limité. Je regarde des autres solutions CAD et l'ofert de les smartparts sont plusieurs.

Merci beaucoup.

Anhänge (1)

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You can cut your tiles with 3D modeler function.

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Größe: 1,92 KiB

How I can pay yours SmartsParts? Is it a paid annually? Or one paid?

Hi João,
I replied to your message directly in July. Maybe you didn't get it...
You pay only once by following the payment process in wizYsmart Manager (credit card needed). It's fully secure.
The SmartParts run on Allplan 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. You purchase the pack for all the workstations of your team.
The tiles have parameters to set as it is in your project. You can make almost all the tiles from providers like Braas-Monier (Colbert in Portugal) or other ones. It's very close to the reality and above all it's fast and easy to use.
You can see a video here.
The SmartParts are in English, French, Spanish, Italian and German.
Don't hesitate to contact me for more details or see my website (click on my signature).

thank you, Bertrand!

I like very much the smartParts!!

Thank you João for your feedback.
Enjoy your daily work with my tools...