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Change Stairs walkline


I'm modeling stairs using the stairs modeler. How can I change the distance of the walkingline (I believe this is the correct english term) from the center of the with to i.e. 1/3 left and 2/3 from the right.

I can't find that option anywhere? In the Netherlands it is common to measure the distance from front step to stop on this 1/3 2/3 line.


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Use "Quarter-Turn Stair tool" and after creation please find "Aux Pt" in dialog (up, right) to change line of travel. It's an older tool, but functional.

Some Stair modeler functions are still under development.


Use "Quarter-Turn Stair tool" and after creation please find "Aux Pt" in dialog (up, right) to change line of travel. It's an older tool, but functional.

Some Stair modeler functions are still under development.