Support Forum

[Frage] Allplan Connect

  • Allplan
  • Allplan 2019
  • Connect

> I have a hard time trying to use the items I downloaded from Connect. How can I
> save them in my library? I tried to find some guides on your site but didn’t
> find any.
> I’m looking for you to help me as soon as possible.
> Have a nice day!

The way how to archive this , depends on the offered filetype of the content you habe downloaded

on most downloads you will find a LINK at the end to a PDF HOW to import THAT specific Download to your Allplan.

If you use the allplan Connect Webpallet INSIDE of Allplan, you can move some of the Downloads DIERECTLY from the web to your individual project / drawing. (these can only be added symbol by symbol to a local library)

Some can be easiliy be imported as part of your local symbols.

Some have an INSTALLER that requeired a specific allplan Version, so you need to download them and install the library.


Allplan Webentwicklung

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