Hallo liebe User,
mit den nachfolgenden Informationen des Product Management und dem UX-Team, möchte ich euch über Entwicklungsschritte im Bereich der freien ndw-Teilbilder informieren. Über den folgenden Link gelangt ihr zur erwähnten Umfrage und könnt euch an dieser Entwicklung beteiligen. Der Beitrag und die Umfrage ist auf Englisch, bitte greift bei Bedarf auf die bekannten Übersetzungstools wie z.B. deepl.com zurück.
Vielen Dank!
Custom NDW files* in user specific workflows
Dear Allplan user,
We would like to invite you to participate in this survey because we value your feedback regarding your usage of Custom NDW files.
The purpose of this survey is to gain a comprehensive understanding of why and how our users use Custom NDW files. Our goal is to facilitate a seamless transition to a more technologically advanced, reliable and user-friendly means of exchanging Allplan's data.
We are interested in identifying all the situations, purposes, and goals for which you currently use Custom NDW files, as well as any challenges or difficulties you may encounter in doing so.
Please note that this survey guarantees anonymity. However, at the end of the form, we kindly request your name and email address so that we may reach out to you for clarification, further involvement in the user-centered design process, or any additional queries. Providing this information is entirely optional.
We are delighted that you have accepted our invitation and we greatly appreciate your contribution to the ongoing and future development of Allplan, based on your personal experiences.
Thank you sincerely,
Your Allplan Product Management and User Experience Team
*(German: Freie NDW-Datei)
Michael Theuer
Customer Success Manager
Allplan GmbH