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OpenGL 2014 VS OpenGL 2015


We are testing the new Allplan 2015: we are very happy with all the new improvements in visualization, it's amazing!

But not all are very good news.... In some computers, the animation windows the refresh rate of the animation window has been reduced...

We do some test in a computer with this configuration:
- Core i5
- 4GB Ram
- Ati AMD HD5470, 2GB
- Windows 7 64bits

First Test: a video in Allplan 2014. The animation window works very well in a "big" project.

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •

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Typ: video/quicktime
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Second Test: Allplan 2015

We config Allplan 2015 as the images attached in this post: "2015 render type config.jpg" and "2015 Options Config.jpg".

And the video attached in this post show that the refresh rate of the animation window has been greatly reduced...

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •

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Typ: image/jpeg
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Größe: 58,87 KiB
Typ: image/jpeg
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Größe: 192,98 KiB
Typ: video/quicktime
400-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 1,52 MiB

Dear EiPM Office,

Thank you very much for your feedback.

Its necessary to understand, that animation window in allplan2014 is in fact exported window from model. Just an open model to this window required more time for big models. Also apply changes in model {e.g. Move the car in scene} needed more time to update in Animation window.

In allplan2015 with universal working window, every change is almost instant in Animation display mode. Switching between construction {wireframe} and Animation or other mode is very fast.
It means the frame rate is same as before, but in 2015 the Animation window is live window, and based on chosen quality settings cannot shown all elements {Frame rate 25}, therefore model is reduced while Moving or panning.
If you want to simulate old Animation window {quality}, choose Goraud option . Phong option are a new quality option introduced by allplan 2015, which requires more performance.

If you want to reach Better display and No model reduction while Navigating, pls turn off the Interruptable draw {Set to 0}.

Then you can play little bit with settings for Animation display mode {Goraud, Phong, Shadows-on, off}.
For DVD version we would like to offer more values for Frame rates to achieve best ratio between speed and quality.

- You can try create additional display mode {Animation} with better quality or lower quality and then just switch between them in specific window without changing options for display mode all the time.

edit webmaster: just only corrected the links to image and external AVI examples

S pozdravom | Best regards | Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Martin Mikus
Product Manager Allplan Architecture

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Größe: 15,82 KiB

Hi Martin,

First of all, thanks to explain how Allplan works internally. It's really very interesting, and now we understand in deep a little bit more Allplan. :-)

We will do more tests with the configuration explained in your post. We will post the results of this test.

Thanks a lot!
Best regards,
Xavier C.A.

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •