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[Frage] Bug modeling Coordinate indonesian in Allplan ,Problem error IFC export destroy

  • Allplan 2021
  • 2022
  • IFC
  • Coordinates

3d model in allplan 2021 2022, on coordinate UTM 49S in indonesian error after export ifc destroy, open model ifc in bim360, openifcviewer error,, where uncheck and ceklist in options ceklist working large coordinate just the same,,, but in move modeling in coordinate 0,0 no error after ifc export

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The screenshot looks like "Big Coordinates"!

Can not help to the question / issue, but i moved it from Forum Allplan Exchange to bimplus section.

Allplan Exchange is a different Product ( / ) and can not import IFC.

Allplan Webentwicklung

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PS: Maybe it fastens up to check this issue if the developers have a small Example drawing ( NDW File) from Allplan with such coordinates..

just juse file -> save as .. )

Allplan Webentwicklung

Private messages must be private. No support request via Private message.

The screenshot looks like "Big Coordinates"!

See the pdf for solving the coordinates issue Nemo refers to.


@Jörg: Wenn ich aus der internationalen FAQ Suche heraus den Link öffnen will, dann klappt das nicht. Link aus der PDF kopieren und laden klappt dagegen.

Viele Grüße,
Autorisierter Allplan Partner in Weimar, Dresden, Leipzig, Braunschweig und Kassel

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