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Fensterbank rund

  • SmartPart
  • Fensterbank
  • Rund
  • Plugin-Download
  • SMT Download

Hallo Leute,

hier mal die neue Fensterbank aus 2018 erweitert um halbrund für runde Fenster.

Wer's braucht...

Allegati (2)

Type: image/png
333 scaricato
Size: 211,74 KiB
Type: application/xml
1852 scaricato
Size: 100,30 KiB
1 - 10 (28)

Hello Nemo, fensterbank rund is good! Do you have also similar like attachment (with variable section)? Thank you.

Allegati (1)

Type: image/jpeg
87 scaricato
Size: 153,18 KiB

look here

Quotato da: Nemo
look here

Thank you Nemo. I have looked your example of fensterbank but I did not see "Handle" to change the section (like to your smartpart "gewaende").
I saw only "Handle" to modify fensterbank right and left.

Allegati (1)

Type: image/jpeg
24 scaricato
Size: 201,48 KiB

You should try to click on SmartPart not in Groundview!
In this projection the handles for profile makes no sense!

Allegati (1)

Type: image/png
111 scaricato
Size: 35,75 KiB

Quotato da: Nemo
You should try to click on SmartPart not in Groundview!
In this projection the handles for profile makes no sense!

Thank you Nemo. Now I have understand! Goodbye

Quotato da: Nemo
You should try to click on SmartPart not in Groundview!
In this projection the handles for profile makes no sense!

Hi Nemo, is possible a smartpart fensterbank with recess variable like sketch (with your smartpart fensterbank with polygon variable)?
Thank you for help.

Allegati (1)

Type: image/jpeg
82 scaricato
Size: 698,93 KiB

First: Bad sketch on bad paper!
We had agreed on proper paper in the last threads! :-)

I have adapted the smartPart to allow this "sliding down" of the windowsill.

Allegati (2)

Type: image/png
123 scaricato
Size: 79,42 KiB
Type: text/xml
1279 scaricato
Size: 47,41 KiB

Quotato da: Nemo
First: Bad sketch on bad paper!
We had agreed on proper paper in the last threads! :-)
I have adapted the smartPart to allow this "sliding down" of the windowsill.

Hi Nemo, thank you for new smartpart.
Sorry for bad sketch and paper, next time I do better! .

Quotato da: Nemo
First: Bad sketch on bad paper!
We had agreed on proper paper in the last threads! :-)
I have adapted the smartPart to allow this "sliding down" of the windowsill.

Hi Nemo, I have another question for your smartpart fenstersims_recess. Is possible make the variable parameter like the sketch (look Joint links and Joint rechts).
Thank you for your collaboration.

Allegati (1)

Type: image/jpeg
55 scaricato
Size: 221,87 KiB
1 - 10 (28)