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[Frage] Transform calculated values from objects in visual scripts


Hi all.

I want to set attributes (length/height/...) to my PP/ visual object and the opportunity to create a quantity take-off.
The values should be set in meter. I try to achieve this with a simple division.
An example would be to transform the length of a curve from 1000mm -> 1m

1) How do you solve this?
2) Wouldn't it be nice to have a constant node "1000"?

Best regards


Zitiert von: Marcus
An example would be to transform the length of a curve from 1000mm -> 1m
1) How do you solve this?
2) Wouldn't it be nice to have a constant node "1000"?

Currently, we don't have a better option other than use a simple division. We plan to better support the unit in Visual Scripting in future, as Length is one of the datatype we support. It should be converted between different display units automatically, as the internal value of them are the same under a same physical length...

Personally, I don't really like the idea about a constant node "1000", as "1000mm → 1m" is just one conversion. "10mm → 1cm" is already another one. It gets more complicated, if we need to support conversion between imperial unit to metric unit by having dozens of different constant node.

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

An automated conversion would be best, i agree with that.
