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[Frage] Error in Visual Scripting, object is not created

Dear All,

when opening Visual Scripting, the error "No connection to Visual Scripting Start the script in Visual Scriptinh, to create this palette" appears. After creating the script and pressing the start button, nothing happens in allplan. No objects are created. At the same time, on another machine, when performing the same actions, everything works.

I am sending you a trace file.

Please help me to solve this problem.

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I'm not sure, if that causes the problem. But could you check, whether the Allplan is installed under the folder with Russian characters on other machines which works?

On your computer, according to the trace file, the allplan data is located under the folder D:\Данные\allplan\allplan 2021\

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

This issue appeared on other machines after updating Allplan to version 2021-1-9.

The prg folder is installed in the standard path C:\Program Files\Allplan\Allplan 2021\Prg


Xingling is talking about the data PATHS; F:E: "USR" and "NET" Path.

NETpath=D:\Данные\allplan\allplan 2021\Net\
USRpath=D:\Данные\allplan\allplan 2021\usr\<youruserName>\

Allplan Webentwicklung

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Could you please also upload the file allplan_python.out? That includes VS/PyP-related logs.

It is located at the same place where allplan.out is. By default:

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

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