Support Forum

[Frage] StartPythonDebug

Hello Allplan-Python Community,

None of my newer Allplanversions will run the StartPythonDebug Python Part. Following messages are attached. So I don´t get the right process to attach in Visuall studio 2019 or in Visual Studio Code.

I would be happy if there would be an step to step understandable guideline how to get the debugging to work for Pythonscripting in Allpan. There are several documentations to find, but none of them works.

Best regards

czyborra klingbeil architekturwerkstatt -

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Hello Marek,

what version of debugpy do you use?

Best regards

For Visual Studio Code you need :
- Allplan 2021
- Python 3.8.8 (64-bit)
- PTVSD 4.3.2

Hello dear Duy_Hoa,

- Allplan 2021
- Python 3.8.8 (64-bit)
- PTVSD 4.3.2

is what I have. But the PythonPart StartPythonDebug will not run.

And dear Horst,

following debugpy version:
Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: debugpy
Version: 1.4.1

the only time I got debugging to work was a long time ago with Visual Studio 2017 and Allplan 2019 (I think it was). Since then it never worked again.
I hope there will be a solution for a working debugging Python environment, so I can try to code some of my ideas in allplan. a clear step-for-step setup explanation would be wonderful. By the way, does it play any role that I have Windows 10 Pro for Workstations?
Thank you for your help in advance

Best regards

czyborra klingbeil architekturwerkstatt -

Hello Marek,

in the attached file you can find some information about debugging of PythonParts. The starting file of the documentation is index.html in the DocFiles folder.

Please check your installation against this information.

Best regards

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Thank you Horst,
I will give it a try when I am back in town.
I didn´t know there was this change from ptsv to debugpy in 2021-1-5.
And I didn´t know, the right location is: Prg\Python\lib\site-packages
I thought it was just Prg\Python

thank you
best regards

czyborra klingbeil architekturwerkstatt -