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[Frage] Scale of a section

  • Scale
  • View
  • Views
  • Cross
  • Section


I wonder if it's possible to change the scale of an element shown in a section created using the API. In the example file all sections show the element as is, 1:1, and I can't really find a propetry in the docs that could allow to change that.
Obviously some elements on a technical drawing should be in different scales or otherwise the drawing won't be readable so I expect that this option exists somewhere and I just can't find it.
I attached the example file I'm talking about (in a .txt format, the forum doesn't allow attachment of .py files). The code mentioned is inside of a function called "create_sections_and_views".


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Zitiert von: karol123
I wonder if it's possible to change the scale of an element shown in a section created using the API. In the example file all sections show the element as is, 1:1, and I can't really find a property in the docs that could allow to change that.

Hi Karol,

Do you mean the scaling factors for X and Y directions (see attached image)? Because they are not available through the API yet. But please, leave an answer below so we can prioritize it higher.


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