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Remotely Debugging the Python code in Visual Studio [Gelöst]

  • Allplan

Dear Allplan-Python Community,

I am trying to make few Python Parts Scripts using Visual Studio 2019 and Allplan 2022. I am facing an issue with Visual studio debugging of Python Code. I have seen some similar issues related debugging of Python code but previous questions related to ptvsd and it's versions. Now the ptvsd has changed to Debuguy. I have downloaded the latest Debugpy from the below link

Installed the Debugpy files in the /prg/Python folder as shown in the attachment image.
Then i tried to attach the process using Python remote(debugpy).
I have tried with few connection targets mentioned below
1. tcp://
2. tcp://PythonParts@
3. tcp://PyhonParts@localhost/
4. tcp://localhost:5678/
5. tcp://PythonParts@localhost:5678/
Nothing worked. I have seen the error as shown in the error image in the attachments. I am not sure what is missing and what is causing the problem. I request you to help me out to resolve this issue.

Looking forward to hear back from you.

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i Hope you have seen the info from Horst Hohmann in this post :
there is an attachment with mor infos :

Your Optin 4 should to the Trick:

but maybe one of the requirements is missing , diffenrent debugpy version or not installed at correct place ?

To run a PythonParts script with debugging enabled, it’s necessary to download a Python package for the debugging support. The following packages can be used:

debugpy 1.4.1 for Allplan 2021-1-6 and higher

debugpy is the replacement for ptvsd and can be found at

The following steps must be performed for the installation:


select Download files

select from the file list

open the downloaded zip file and the folder src

copy the folder debugpy to the Allplan folder ..\Prg\Python\lib\site-packages

Allplan Webentwicklung

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i Hope you have seen the info from Horst Hohmann in this post :
there is an attachment with mor infos :

Your Optin 4 should to the Trick:

but maybe one of the requirements is missing , diffenrent debugpy version or not installed at correct place ?

To run a PythonParts script with debugging enabled, it’s necessary to download a Python package for the debugging support. The following packages can be used:

debugpy 1.4.1 for Allplan 2021-1-6 and higher

debugpy is the replacement for ptvsd and can be found at

The following steps must be performed for the installation:


select Download files

select from the file list

open the downloaded zip file and the folder src

copy the folder debugpy to the Allplan folder ..\Prg\Python\lib\site-packages

Allplan Webentwicklung

Private messages must be private. No support request via Private message.

looks like the path is the problem :


but the last picture of your post is showing you had placed it directly in :


Allplan Webentwicklung

Private messages must be private. No support request via Private message.

Thank You so much for your replies. It certainly helped my understanding and resolved my issue. Thank you so much for your support.