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[Frage] Pythonparts - Unable to resolve 'NemAll_Python_Geometry'. IntelliSense may be missing for this module!!!

  • Allplan 2017
  • PythonParts
  • Visual Studio 2017!

Something is going wrong here, please let me know what was going wrong with my approach:

1) Installation of Visual Studio 2017
2) Installation of Python 3.7.4
3) Opening the project PythonParts.pyproj from Allplan\2017\Etc\PythonPartsScripts folder
4) Correcting the references *.pyd files

The point is that I get the following errors when opening the project which I cannot resolve :
- for each reference file *.pyd I get the error: Unable to resolve 'BasisExamples.FaceStyle'.
IntelliSense may be missing for this module.
- Another thing is that processor architecture of the reference "PrgLib\NemAll_Python_Palette.pyd" was built as "AMD64" processor, but I have Intel Core i7, so this is probably problem? How to resolve this issue? So if I deliver later Pythonparts on other
type of processors, there would be a problem?

Please if you provide me some solution for these issues so that I could start testing your delivered Pythonparts project!


P.S. Any suggestion is welcome!

Visual studio project:

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Hi Primoz,

some questions:

- have you closed the dialog by OK before attaching?
- if you enter "PythonParts@localhost", did you see the process in the "Process" window?
- have you tried ptvsd-4.3.2 with VisualStudio 2017?

Best regards

Do I need to do sth else as just to copy ptvsd folder from file to the original Allplan Python folder?
Maybe I missed sth?

Magic is happening with Allplan...
I installed Visual Studio 2017 with all the tools and I managed to pass the barrier, but another error poped-up at once:
- failed to launch debug adapter!!!
- unable to attach the process - invalid pointer

I really don't know what is happening here?
Very unstable connection??

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