Zitiert von: Markus_Leitner
Is there already a function to rename, move, or copy drawing files or layouts?
Thank you
Hi Markus,
not yet. We will probably implement it in the Q2 of 2025. But this means, you can use the functionality in ALLPLAN 2026.
FYI, what we plan to expose in the API:
- rename a drawing file / print layout file
- drawing file selection dialog (similar to what you see, when you are exporting to IFC)
- print layout selection dialog
- move/copy content from one drawing file to another
- move/copy content from one print layout to another
- copy drawing file / print layout file
- modify layout attributes
- allow to start a PythonPart also in the print layout mode
The order matters: the top entries are given the highest priority.
Feel free to give us feedback: Which features from the above mentioned are important for you to be accessible via API? Should we focus on something first?
Please also bare in mind, that the fact, that we plan to implement these. Plans can change, so please do not take this post as a guarantee.
What we will not implement (at least not in the near future): modifying the building structure. So stuff like: create a building, create a floor, assign DFs to a floor, etc. If your task is e.g. to reassign a drawing file from one floor to another, you can do it, but it would require you to modify the XML file describing the building structure yourself. The XML file is located in
I know, this is reversed engineering, but currently there is no other way.