Support Forum

Hole_BRep3D error

  • PythonParts

Hi Colleagues,
when opening a project, and at change drawing file status we get the error message as attached:
"Exception during read of the favorite data: name= Hole_BRep3D..."
After it Allplan crashes. This project is not accessible.

The phenomenon does not occur on all computers. Allplan fixing installation does not help.
Version: 2022-1-2

Has somebody any idea what to do in that case?

Thanks a lot in advance: Gábor

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Hello Horst,
I didn't get.
Best regards

Hello Zsolt,

you need to have a look at "My messages" at the top of the "Forum" page.

Best regards

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Hello Zsolt,

any news about the problem?

Best regards

Hello Zsolt,

in order to reproduce the problem, I need to get detailed information about the workflow that causes the crash. Please send me this information. I can work with the project, but I didn't get the crash.

Best regards

Zitiert von: Horst_Hohmann
Hello Zsolt,
you need to have a look at "My messages" at the top of the "Forum" page.
Best regards


One Remark on "Private Message Tool" :
in Admin -> Edit Profile you can set an option, if Allplan Connect May sent Email Notification.

Notifications: Never

can be changed, so you will get also an email on event "New Private message" arrived.

as this settings does NOT activate any Newsletter, it is no risk to change this option ..
This will also change the default Option for Get Notified when you create a new Topic

Allplan Webentwicklung

Private messages must be private. No support request via Private message.

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