For some of my control tools I need to extract the BendingShape of reinforcements in the model but I could not find a way to retrieve the BarPlacement from a BaseElementAdapter. Is there a way to move between the two namespace ?
Thank you.
For some of my control tools I need to extract the BendingShape of reinforcements in the model but I could not find a way to retrieve the BarPlacement from a BaseElementAdapter. Is there a way to move between the two namespace ?
Thank you.
unfortunately at the moment there is no method to get BarPlacement from BaseElementAdapter. This yet has to be implemented into the function GetElements
unfortunately at the moment there is no method to get BarPlacement from BaseElementAdapter. This yet has to be implemented into the function GetElements
Thank you for the reply. That is indeed unfortunate... (I did tried to use GetElements and as you explained saw no results for reinforcements).
In Allplan UI there is a command called "Conversion" which generate a set of 2d lines representing the edges of the reinforcement. Do you know if something similar car be retrieve with the API? I may be able to calculate the bending shape from this.