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[Frage] Allplan PythonParts Issue Crash!

  • Allplan
  • PythonParts
  • Crash

Hi there,

I lost yo much time convincing Allplan 2017 to connect to Visual Studio 2015 for remote debugging of Python-parts. Finally I realized after a lot of tries that I should use just Visual Studio 2015 and exactly ptvsd-3.0.0 - if I use ptvsd-2.2.0 or ptvsd-3.2.0 it does not connect. OK, although it connected it simply poped another error. But that is not all, after that Allplan crashed so much that I needed to deactivate license and activated it again for Allplan to work.
I realized that after that event I cannot run any Python-Part any more as as soon as I try it, Allplan crashes at once. This is really annoying, how can be software so unstable.

I recorded video where you can see that no PythonPart can be used any more:

Any idea how I can first recover Allplan to work again with PythonParts and second how to establish debug connection to work???

Thanks for any help, Primoz

1 - 10 (14)

Any idea how to clean Allplan so it will work again with PythontParts without crashing??

How can running debugger crash Allplan so much it cannot run any possible PytonPart anymore? Any idea how I can recover Allplan!

Any idea why PythonParts cannot run anymore on my Allplan?

LiteDB: Connected to Database C:\Data\Nemetschek\Allplan\2017\Prj\Novi projekt 1.prj\AllplanEngCatDB (SQLITE 3.7.13)

???????????????????: ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????DestroyClusterMgr: Beschleunigungs-Datenstrukturen werden geloescht ...


Maybe, reinstall Allplan and restart from scratch...

Which part of Allplan is responsible for connecting with PythonPArts? Is there any way just to repair PythonPart connection?

For reinstalling I need to delete all Allplan directories?

For reinstallation, you have to follow the functioning of Windows: unistall then reinstall.
If you only delete the folders, you're not doing the full job.
And, maybe, you need to keep your projects and data.
So, try to follow the rules. Maybe that's why Allplan crashed...

Magic happened! I just deleted PythonPartsScripts folder and replaced it with original, I had on other computer a backup. Now PythonParts can be run again without crash... unbelievable.

In Allplan you can expect everything as follows:
- very unstable software crashing a lot on many circumstances
- sometimes copying bars, sometimes not
- sometimes do sth, on another occasion decides it will not work at all - very bad coding of the software
- not good idea to debug with Visual Studio original Allplan files - better do edit local copy of the files with Visual Studio and just copy *.pyp and *.py manually
- that way you cannot debug through Visual Studio as Allplan do not use local files out of default folders
- it is a pity as Visual Studio debugger would be real help for complex software
- it should be published for each release which ptvsd to use for Allplan release and which VS to use besides
- as for Allplan 2017 you should use just VS 2015 and ptvsd-3.0.0 - all other options do not work at all

Best Regards, Primoz

Zitiert von: uid-161315
In Allplan you can expect everything as follows:
- very unstable software crashing a lot on many circumstances
- sometimes copying bars, sometimes not
- sometimes do sth, on another occasion decides it will not work at all - very bad coding of the software

It may be better to avoid judging the work of others and already try to learn to use the tools as they have been defined.
I have been using Allplan for over 22 years, and I absolutely cannot say the same thing as you.
You may be missing some notions on the functioning of Windows (installation, uninstallation ...) and on programming addons in such an environment...
Stay humble and learn. Perfection does not exist...

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