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Allplan 2021-1 New PythonPart [Gelöst]

  • ''Rebar
  • Detaling
  • Warning

When I select the 'Beam Bars' from the Allplan 2021 new python part Rebardetaling objects, I get a warning as shown in the picture below.
what would be the reason.
(Note: my video card and windows are up to date)

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to get the real problem I need to have a look at the trace output which is shown if the message box pops up. Preferred way is to change the trace output to "window". After this change you need to restart Allplan and execute the PythonPart till the message box is shown. In the trace window there are some Python errors listet. Please attach these output.

Best regards

11 - 13 (13)

The screenshot in the attachment is also sending the out file.

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You shall activate debugging windows via AllMenu (see my attachment)

when you running your python part, there will debugging that will shown on trace window (see my 2nd attachment).
Good Luck!

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Good afternoon
The same thing happened to me with another PYP and it was because when inserting said PYP one of the length values ​​was entered wrong and that is why it was not loaded.
The solution is to insert said PYP from another computer

11 - 13 (13)