Hi Jörg!
Thanks for your fast answer, and for the explanation, is very interesting :-) From several months ago, I tried those two ways to create a smarpart for openings (öffnungen), that you explained before, with diferent results: sometimes works perfect, sometimes works a little maddening.
Smartpart is in the correct way, but need more development and implementations. For example, I think that the smartparts have to be with automatic update when it are inserted in openings (öffnungen), and I know that some others developers have already asked for this smartpart implementation.
I have one other little question, I'm creating a SmartPart with a very silly problem: I can´t do visible a face_style of this smartpart (??????), and I don't know why...
Thanks a lot!
Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM • http://www.eipm.es/en/
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