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Smartpart with door leaf opened: door thickness dimension

  • 2013


I'm trying to create a smartpart door, with the door leaf (tuerblatt) opened. Like in makros, when this smartpart door is inserted in diferent openings (öffnungen), it change the dimension of the door thickness. How will be the script to conserve the door thickness?

Thanks a lot!

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •

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Hi Xavi,

there are two possibilities to create a Window/Door with SmartParts:

1. Seperate Foils (the Allplan like way)
You have to define in the script the same foils, with the same reference points, like
you would do it, if you create a makro with allplan "by Hand"! That means, each part has to be on seperate foil, and the foil reference-points determine the scaling of the part, if the whole element is fit to an opening!
If you do this way, then leave "Aktualisierung der Referenzbox bei Skalierung" unchecked!
Benefit: This SmartPart fit in any rectangular opening without refresh!

2. Without seperate foils
If you script without seperate foils, and put all togehter on one foil, then
the SmartPart has to refresh, after you insert it to an opening!
If you do this way, then check "Aktualisierung der Referenzbox bei Skalierung"! (see setting.png)
Then you can insert SmartPart to opening (see insert_in_opening.png)
You have to refresh it afterwards (see refresh.png)!



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..and after the refresh you get the desired result.

At inserting a smartpart to an opening, the smartpart is only scaled, so that it's reference-box is fitted into the opening! No refresh occurs!
While setting reference-points to the foils (with 1.Version from above) during this scaling each foil is scaled a little bit different depending on reference-point-location.

Without seperate foils and reference points, the whole geometry is scaled with the same factors like the refernce-box.
Only at "refresh" of smartpart the new size of the reference-box is calculated, and afterwards the parts are recalculated to this size.
After refresh, the smartpart is no longer scaled!



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Hi Jörg!

Thanks for your fast answer, and for the explanation, is very interesting :-) From several months ago, I tried those two ways to create a smarpart for openings (öffnungen), that you explained before, with diferent results: sometimes works perfect, sometimes works a little maddening.

Smartpart is in the correct way, but need more development and implementations. For example, I think that the smartparts have to be with automatic update when it are inserted in openings (öffnungen), and I know that some others developers have already asked for this smartpart implementation.

I have one other little question, I'm creating a SmartPart with a very silly problem: I can´t do visible a face_style of this smartpart (??????), and I don't know why...

Thanks a lot!

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •

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Mmmm... I tried several forms to visualize facestyles correctly in smartparts, using the allplan's facestyle (using a new project, without personalized facestyles), but is impossible the view it. Perhaps is it a possible smartpart bug?

Thanks a lot!

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •

Hi Xavi,

you was on the right way. But
DEFINE FACE_STYLE "tst",fr_fill
was wrong. Remove the comma, and it works:

DEFINE FACE_STYLE "tst" fr_fill
PUT 0 , 0 , 15 ,
1 , 0 , 15 ,
1 , 1 , 15 ,
0 , 1 , 15
POLY2_ NUM_SP / 3 , 1 + 2 + 4 , GET ( NUM_SP )


Danke Jörg! Now works perfect! :-D


Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •