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[Frage] SmartPart - Fensterbank - schraffur? [Gelöst]

  • SmartPart Fensterbank
  • Schraffur


Ich versuche, diesem Smartpart (Nemos fensterbank.smt) die Möglichkeit hinzuzufügen.
Ich brauche Schraffur, Musterung, Stillflache, Fullflache.
Ich bin ein Anfänger mit Smartparts. Ich habe die Schritt-für-Schritt-Dokumentation überprüft, aber ich kann anscheinend keinen Weg finden, dies zu tun.
Könnte mir jemand zeigen, wo ich falsch gelaufen bin?

Vielen Dank.



I'm trying to add possibility to this smartpart (Nemo's fensterbank.smt).
I need schraffur, muster, stillflache, fullflache.
I'm a beginner with smartparts, I checked the step by step documentation but I can't seem to find a way how to do this.
Could someone point me where did I go wrong?

Thank You very much.

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Why you not use the Allplan sill?

It fits all your needs!

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This SmartPart has the possibility, to add faces for sectioning.

Hello Nemo,

Thank You for the smartpart link.

I've tried to copy the code to your last smartpart fits my requirements for the window sill perfectly,
because with this last one I can't manage to get what I want, i just need the hatch.. etc possibility.

I didn't manage to get the same effect,
the smartpart is in the attachment.

Thank You again for being so helpful!!

Anhänge (1)

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Größe: 66,29 KiB

Here is the reason why I need hatch in the previous smartpart,
because in cross section I can't see the hatch, color in this section.

I managed to create window sills (red and green) that are required dimensions from the smartpart that you gave previously (and thank you so so much for it!!), but I can't manage to get hatch on it automatically via code. I keep failing somewhere.

Anhänge (1)

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Größe: 3,38 KiB

Why you not use the Allplan sill?

It fits all your needs!

Anhänge (2)

Typ: image/png
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Größe: 114,64 KiB
Typ: image/png
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Größe: 89,42 KiB


I've read and studied the Step by step smartpart documentation, did a lot of research to add hatch to this windowsill, spent hours and hours and Allplan already had the function.. to solve my problems.

Thank You!