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[Frage] Reinforcement Reports - How to fill the column table "bemerkungen" or Comment

How do I fill the "bemerkungen" column table from a reiforcement report? Am I making right? I Fill the "costum text>text definition" at my reiforcement label, but nothing appears at the table. See in the pictures please...

Thank you!

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Hi PatriciaFarinha,

1.) Add Codetext, @83@ attribute (and its value) to Selected bars, using Assign Attributes to Elements tool.

2.) Change existing report file (.rdlc), using Modify Report tool or Notepad:
- Replace @286@ line in Select1 (Allplan Data Source) list with @83@ (Codetext)
- Save as new report.

Test it!

You can also use some other Attribute like @208@, Long Text or @207@, Short Text,... instead of @83@

Hi PatriciaFarinha,

"Bemerkungen" column is connected to @286@ attribute, which is part of a Document group attributes.

@286@ attribute is named Bemerkung Shalelement (rough translation would be: Remark for formwork element)

My best guess is that it is connected to some discontinued tool.

Hi PatriciaFarinha,

The customText in the label tool is a general text list which can be used for any bars but this is not saved in each bars.

You can create a label many times for the same bars with different text. And this will not be output in list.

We use it sometimes to set the kind of bars (eg Wire, stirrup, strait)

Bye & Good Use!

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Depuis 2006

Thank you for your answers! So, I need to find that reinforcement attribute, I need to fill that bemerkungen column table and I don't know how to do it. I have the english version, can you help with the steps?

Thank you very much!!

Hi PatriciaFarinha,

1.) Add Codetext, @83@ attribute (and its value) to Selected bars, using Assign Attributes to Elements tool.

2.) Change existing report file (.rdlc), using Modify Report tool or Notepad:
- Replace @286@ line in Select1 (Allplan Data Source) list with @83@ (Codetext)
- Save as new report.

Test it!

You can also use some other Attribute like @208@, Long Text or @207@, Short Text,... instead of @83@