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[Frage] My Allplan 2018 has no "sweep bars along path" tools to make 3D Reinforcement of Complex Structures [Gelöst]

Hi all,
Anyone can help? Why my Allplan 2018 doesn't have sweep along path tools to make reinforcement of complex structure?
I use Allplan 2018-0-4.


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Hi Danus,
this is surely an issue of your license.
The new function "sweep along path" belongs to the package "Allplan 2018 Engineering CUBED".

I guess you might have either the new package "Allplan 2018 Engineering SQUARED" or you have updated from the old package "Allplan 2017 Engineering" without changing your package to the new line-up.

Contact your Allplan dealer and ask a conversion or sidegrade!

Kind regards: Gábor

Hi Danus,
this is surely an issue of your license.
The new function "sweep along path" belongs to the package "Allplan 2018 Engineering CUBED".

I guess you might have either the new package "Allplan 2018 Engineering SQUARED" or you have updated from the old package "Allplan 2017 Engineering" without changing your package to the new line-up.

Contact your Allplan dealer and ask a conversion or sidegrade!

Kind regards: Gábor

Hi Gábor,
Yes you're right, we have updated 2017 to 2018 recently, I do an explore for some new features of 2018 but I couldn't found the sweep along path for reinforcement. I will tell ICT person about this. Thanks for your helpful reply.
Have a nice day

Best Regards,
Danus W Wicaksono
3D Modeller/Engineer


if you are using user-defined symbolkofiguration:

try default settings (actionbar or Konfiguration paletts)..

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