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V2025-0-1 Altes SMT in Opening-part wandeln? [Gelöst]

wie geht das: Altes SMT in Opening-part wandeln?

Mit besten Grüßen!

Allplan Ingenieurbau V10 bis V2025

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Dear Allplan customers, partners,

Thank you again for your feedback regarding the conversion of SmartParts to OpeningParts.
Even if our first decision was to not implement such tool, we understand the importance of this feature for many of you, and we appreciate your input.

After another careful consideration, we are excited to announce that we have listened to your feedback and have successfully implemented an Automatic conversion tool for transforming SmartParts into OpeningParts.
This new feature is now available for our VIP customers starting from Allplan 2026-WIP-3.

Please: "Exercise caution when using this feature, as we cannot ensure complete conversion integrity. Particularly for custom SmartPart doors/windows, the conversion may not perfectly replicate the original. Any possible geometrical defects and/or inconsistencies should not be considered as bugs."

Enjoy and regards,

Adam Košík
Product owner | Information management

Adam Košík | Product owner | Information management

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91-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 114,26 KiB
11 - 20 (21)


das ist ein Mehrwert und muss integriert werden...ich bin auch dafür

....bin auch dafür

Software: Allplan, Lumion, OM by Cycot, Simplebim, Nevaris...
Coachings unter / Tutorials unter

Dear customers,
To avoid unexpected errors, shortcomings, or potential data loss during the conversion from customized SmartParts, we have decided not to enabled automatic conversion from SmartParts into OpeningParts.
Thank you for your understanding.

Adam Košík | Product owner | Information management

Es soll ja auch nicht automatisch funktionieren, es wäre gut wenn ich das gezielt durchführen kann

Mit besten Grüßen!

Allplan Ingenieurbau V10 bis V2025

Zitiert von: akosik
Dear customers,

To avoid unexpected errors, shortcomings, or potential data loss during the conversion from customized SmartParts, we have decided not to enabled automatic conversion from SmartParts into OpeningParts.

Thank you for your understanding.

Dear Adam,

Thank you for your response. I understand the concerns about potential errors and data loss with automatic conversions. However, the feature being discussed is not intended to be an automatic tool for general users. Instead, it should be an admin function specifically designed for BIM content creators. This would allow us to manually convert our carefully designed SmartParts into the new, advanced elements, ensuring accuracy and preserving the integrity of our work.
best regards,

(answer is generated with the help of copilot, i love it ;) )

Viele Grüße


Dear Allplan customers, partners,

Thank you again for your feedback regarding the conversion of SmartParts to OpeningParts.
Even if our first decision was to not implement such tool, we understand the importance of this feature for many of you, and we appreciate your input.

After another careful consideration, we are excited to announce that we have listened to your feedback and have successfully implemented an Automatic conversion tool for transforming SmartParts into OpeningParts.
This new feature is now available for our VIP customers starting from Allplan 2026-WIP-3.

Please: "Exercise caution when using this feature, as we cannot ensure complete conversion integrity. Particularly for custom SmartPart doors/windows, the conversion may not perfectly replicate the original. Any possible geometrical defects and/or inconsistencies should not be considered as bugs."

Enjoy and regards,

Adam Košík
Product owner | Information management

Adam Košík | Product owner | Information management

Anhänge (1)

Typ: image/png
91-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 114,26 KiB

Zitiert von: akosik
Dear Allplan customers, partners,
This new feature is now available for our VIP customers starting from Allplan 2026-WIP-3.
Product owner | Information management

How can I become a VIP customer?

Guy K.
Allplan 2024

Zitiert von: KeinPlan352

Zitiert von: akosikDear Allplan customers, partners,


This new feature is now available for our VIP customers starting from Allplan 2026-WIP-3.


Product owner | Information management
How can I become a VIP customer?

I think he meant WIP customers.

Viele Grüße


Hallo Adam

I think the function is very well implemented, thank you very much for that. The fact that you have to make a few adjustments afterwards is no problem for me. The best way to see this is, for example, that the window sill was still integrated in the old smart part. With the new opening parts, the window sill is a separate component, which is of course correct.

Regards, Thierry

Anhänge (1)

Typ: video/mp4
24-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 2,33 MiB
11 - 20 (21)