Support Forum

Wizards problem

I've got a problem regarding the wizard tabs, because they do not display or the .nas files are not installed. As u can see I have my wizards button selected but there are only 3 wizards and in the top cascade i can select only Allplan, I have installed the lastest version of Allplan and I have not made changes in the folders. Can you please help me with this or direct me to a link where I can download all the .nad files.
Thank you.

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Nothing? No reply in 2 weeks? Not even an, hey ... u got it all wrong??? Great support Nemetschek ...

) I'll say it in romanian : Apesi butonul drept pe bara assistentului unde scrie allplan si alegi grupa noua (dai nume ...) sau introducere grupe ( cauti si alegi grupe de asistenti pe care i-ai downloadat ). Aceste grupe de asistenti vor fi editabile si vei putea sa adaugi cate vrei pe bara din dreapta a ferestrei.

I English: right click on the wizard bar where it is written allplan and choose new wizard, or introduce wizard. This wizard group will be editable and will be able to add nas files by rightclicking on the right tab.

There were some interesting wizards with IKEA furniture on
but now it seems it's been closed.
Or on