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[Frage] Exporting Ifc from Allplan [Gelöst]

  • Allplan
  • 2017
  • IFC
  • Solibri
  • Export

Hi. I'm trying to export my model in ifc format, to check it on Solibri. At this moment i have only a multi layer wall with all data in. I tried to export only one of 3 layers present in these walls, but when i open my Ifc file in Solibrì, i see all layers of my model. How is possible??

Arch. Andrea Liconti

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Like 'SHahnfeld' said the wall element is one main object which contains sub layer. So even if you hide some leaf, the entire wall will be exported into the IFC file.

Than you will find some sub information about the sub layer Inside the Wall on the IFC. But you will not get the possibility to hide part of the wall Inside the IFC.

The best way to get it should be to draw the wished layer in a separate drawing file and export only this one.

Bye & Good Use!

Responsable Technique Préfabrication & Ingénierie
Precast Sales & Support

Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006


As far as I know it's not possible to export single layers of a multilayer-wall.

You could convert the single layer wall into 3D-objects though and set the IFC-Object-Type Attribute of all layers to "IfcWall".
You would loose the possibility to edit the wall later though, so better try it with a copy first.

GEA Arquitectos S.L.P.
Calle Gerardo Diego 6A | 41013 Sevilla | Spain

Thanks for reply. I have a wall with an insulation (yellow) layer and a plasterboard(green-gray-orange) layer. I created two different "layer print set"on Allplan, one for insulation and one for plasterboard layer.

Then on Allpan, i get visible only insulation layer, so i try to export only it in IFC, but when i open my IFC on Solibri i see the entire wall, so is it normal that Allpan export also not visibile layers?

I can't convert single layer into 3d object because i need do edit them.

Thanks a lot for reply

Arch. Andrea Liconti

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Like 'SHahnfeld' said the wall element is one main object which contains sub layer. So even if you hide some leaf, the entire wall will be exported into the IFC file.

Than you will find some sub information about the sub layer Inside the Wall on the IFC. But you will not get the possibility to hide part of the wall Inside the IFC.

The best way to get it should be to draw the wished layer in a separate drawing file and export only this one.

Bye & Good Use!

Responsable Technique Préfabrication & Ingénierie
Precast Sales & Support

Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006

Thanks Judy