Support Forum

Element group [Gelöst]


I have an other question.
How can I arrange elements like different lines for instance? I know that from other programs by using Ctlr+G?

thanks for helping!


Hi Lara,

Elements that have the same segment number like a polyline, rectangles, symbols and so can be selected by pressing SHIFT + left mouse button and need not to be grouped for that.
In addition to that you can unit several Elements to one group by modifying them and giving them the same group number. You also can safe them as symbol and get them of symbol catalog later on.

Shouldn't that be sufficient you can use the function "Composite Element" within the tool "Advanced Draft". Morever, elements can be defined as smart symbols and linked after that.

Maybe the alternatives "group" or "Composite Element" serve the purpose.

best regards

Dear Undine

thanks it was succeed. But one more question.
If i composed more elements i can't influence all formats, only pen thickness?


Hello Lara,

The settings for pen, line and color from the Format toolbar are used (unless you have activated the When creating composite elements, use fixed colors and linetype 5 setting in the Advanced Draft module's options). When this setting is active, only the pen set on the Format toolbar is used.

one's more: Composite elements cannot be edited using the Copy and Resize and Resize tools. They cannot be selected.

regards Undine

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