Support Forum

actual pen thickness? [Gelöst]

Hi everybody,

I have a question:
How can I display the actual pen thickness with Allplan 2009, so that the walls in the sectional view appear thicker than their views?

Dear Lara,
1. Even if the different pen thickness can't be displayed on the screen, they can be considered for printing/plotting. When Documents are printed by using the print preview, the "thickness line" has to be activated within the options for the print preview.(pic 1)

2. If the drawing is printed as a plan by using the function "Plot Layouts", the pen thickness and colors of the printed lines can be adjusted in the register "settings" --> the button "pen and color assignments". There you can the thickness 0.25 with their actaul thickness or inany other thickness you prefer. The same applies to the colours, too. Blue lines can be printed as blue lines, as green lines or even in black or levels of grey.


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is there also a possibility to displayed the actual thickness on sreen?


Hi Lara

1.If you want the lines to be displayed on the screen in their actual thickness as well you need activate “thick line” within the “Show/Hide”.
2. If you like to draw a line with another colour than the one that is attributed to the line (e.g. red for a 0.25 line instead of black) you can do that by deactivating “Color stands for pen” within the “Show/Hide”. After doing so, all 15 “pen Thickness” can be combined with all of the 256 element colours. In case the option „Color stands for pen“ is activated again, the lines will be displayed in the colour that is attributed to the according “pen Stickness”. In both instances the colour of the printed line can either be a different or the displayed one. Just as you like it.

best regards

Anhänge (1)

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Hi Undine,

now I'm in the know! Thanks!

ciao Lara