Support Forum

User Attributes - Issue in untis configuration in Allplan, and Issue about units in IFC Export

  • Allplan 2020-1-2

Hi All,

We detect two issues, about "user Attributes":

- When we create a new "user attributes", the units are showed twice inside Allplan. Maybe this issue it's only visual, but really we don't know what happens inside in Allplan, and the consequences of this issue.

- When we export to IFC, the "user attributes" are exported without units. Maybe the reported first issue, causes this issue in IFC export.

Best regards,
Xavier Coll

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •

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we have the same issues.

Zitiert von: EiPM_Xavi

- When we create a new "user attributes", the units are showed twice inside Allplan. Maybe this issue it's only visual, but really we don't know what happens inside in Allplan, and the consequences of this issue.

It seems the error only occurs for real-values. Integer-value works fine. If you click in the textfield, the error disappears until you close the window.

Zitiert von: EiPM_Xavi
- When we export to IFC, the "user attributes" are exported without units. Maybe the reported first issue, causes this issue in IFC export.

I´m not sure if IFC can transmit units. In your example, just the Basequantities have units.

Brücken und Ingenieurbau
VIC Planen und Beraten GmbH

Thanks for support about those issues!

Zitiert von: JanRei

It seems the error only occurs for real-values. Integer-value works fine. If you click in the textfield, the error disappears until you close the window.

When we reopen "modify tool" again, the issue still here (in video, around 35 seconds time)

Zitiert von: JanRei
I´m not sure if IFC can transmit units. In your example, just the Basequantities have units.

We usually review IFC in different IFC viewers: Solibri, BimCollab Zoom, BimVision, etc.. In order to review this issue, the best is the free IFC FZKviewer (showed in the video).

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •