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[Frage] Pset with quantities

  • BIM
  • Ifc export
  • Attributes


Am exporting 3D model from Allplon ot IFC4 and I would like to create a Pset with quantities such as volume etc., but in the conversation window (as seen in attachment) the quantity attributes dont exist and I also cant find volume attribute manually. Can anyone help with the problem?


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why do you try to map the quantity attributes manually to the Pset "Qto_WallBaseQuantity"?
I think, they go automatically to this Pset...

Viele Grüße


Hey andreaz,
One more thing:
you don‘t need to map the standard attributes for the pset WallCommon, either. They are mapped correct. You use the mapping tool in Allplan, if you have your own firerating (e.g.) attribute, or if you want to generate your own pset with your attributes.

Viele Grüße



Thanks for a response. The attachment in the message was just a example that something is wrong with formulation of basic attributes. For the project I'm working on I need to combine some attributes in one Pset as shown in the new attachment and basic attributes (volume, thickness, lenght etc.) do not exist or something.

Best regards,

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I use Allplan in German, so maybe the Attributenames are different. But i think you mean the attribute @82@, is that right?

Viele Grüße


I actually don't know the number. It's the volumne attribute as seen in the new attachment. It's part of base quantities or geometric attributes that are added to each element by default.

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Ok, but this is the attribute Volume (@223@). try to type "Volume" not "AQC_Volume".
you get the correct name and number with the tool "AttributeManager.exe" in your prg-folder of your Allplan installation path.
maybe you can tell me the number of this "AQC_Volume" attribute.

Viele Grüße


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I found the solution. I had to tick the check box Transfer quantity data in the Advanced options.

Thank you for your help anyway.

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